So we beat St. Johns eh? BOO YA! That's good stuff. Tell Ryan Good job on the game!
Well this week...was something else! So we had zone meeting on wednesday and that was pretty good! President wanted us to focus on chapter 3 and chapter 10 of PMG for it. So for the first part Elder Boyer and I decided to focus on the D&C 11:21 and the importance of studying chapter 3 everyday so we know the doctrine. To demonstrate the importance of this we made a huge maze in our cultural hall with a little gate on the other end which represented "the straight and narrow gate of baptism." Then we had 2 volunteers, one representing the missionary and one representing the investigator, we put blindfolds on both of them and told the missionary to lead the investigator to baptism. It was so funny! They were both just running into everything. So then we went over the importance of knowing the doctrine in and out because otherwise its just the blind leading the blind. It was a fun meeting! Not a lot else happened this last week though.
Cool story: We went to an appointment in a neighborhood 2 days ago and the appointment fell through. So Elder Boyer told me he felt impressed to walk up the hill and knock on this one door. So we did and this girl answered and looked at me and said "you gotta be from Arizona!" And I said ya how did ya know? She said that she knows a lot of Udalls from Arizona. Apparently she lived in phoenix and tucson and went to law school at U of A! So we talked about good ol' AZ for a bit and then she started telling us how she had a lot of friends that were returned missionaries but she was methodist and had been her whole life. So we introduced the BOM to her and gave her a copy and we are going to teach her on Wednesday! I'm pumped for it!
Also this week Chris and Jessica told us they are both ready to be baptized!! That totally made my week! Jessica watched general conference yesterday and said she cried during all of President Monsons talk. Its amazing how sensitive she has become to the spirit. She has come such a long way!!
So....here is the low down on the transfers! We got the call this morning and Elder Boyer is out! And I am training here in the promised land! ha ha I am pretty nervous about it though. I am finally going to get to drive so I am excited about that! I just hope my son is ready to work! It has been fun serving with ELder Boyer. 3 months is a long time to be with someone within sight and sound 24/7. We had our little tussles here and there but we made things work with each other. He may end up being my ZL next transfer so that would be pretty sweet!
Its getting cold! I will probably get a jacket this next transfer! Tony is doing good! he watched one session! he has got work to do but he loves the BOM! his favorite character in it though is King Laban because "he goes hard." He liked how king laban took all of nephi's treasures and still kept the plates. he still has work to do.
I gotta go pretty soon! Elder Boyer and I are gonna go play risk with a part member family today! ha ha so last night we came home and our kitchen and bathroom were flooded. the girl living behind us overflowed her washer and it flooded our place. not cool.
Anyways....... thanks for the package Merrils!! It was awesome!!! And thanks Christie and Trev for your package!! That Truman G. Madsen disc is bomb! My mind was blown within 5 minutes of listening to it! Thank you for everything. I love you all. Next time we talk.......I'LL BE A FATHER!