Ya so......I am staying one more! Thanks goodness! And I am finishing training Elder Spencer! That made my day because now I get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas here.
What a week it has been here in Searcy! I tell you what. It has been full of surprises, cold weather, warm weather, crack houses, gang fights, blessings, Irish whistles, and challenges.
So it all started last Tuesday at specialized training. President Petersen was here in Searcy training a bunch of missionaries that came here.When we had our little lunch break Bishop Mcgrath and Chris came in the building and so President got to meet with and got to meetChris that day! It was sweet! President loved him. President later told me he knew Chris was one of the elect by the way that Chris prayed. He said it was one of the most sincere prayers he has heard. We play basketball every wednesday night at the church and we always get plenty of the local non members there and President Petersen said he is either going to come play with us this wednesday or next wednesday! How awesome is that! I'm pumped! But ya this last week Elder Spencer and I have worked really hard trying to prepare our investigator Michael Scott for baptism. Yes, that is really his name. Our ward loves him for that reason. Elder Spencer and I were able to find the sketchiest neighborhood in Searcy this past week! Thats where the crack house comes in. We were walking down the street and there was this house with like 6 cars in front of it and twice as many guys chillin on the front porch. So naturally Elder Spencer and start walking up to them. One guy sees us and says "Don't come over here! Please don't! I don't want to talk! Please!" and so I was like "wo,wo you don't want to talk about Jesus?" and he said "No thats not what I am about anymore. If you want to talk about this (holding up his beer can) or weed I will talk to you about that. Thats what I am about." So anyways we go to this house next door and talk to this lady and she tells us how we are in the worst part of town and there is gun shots every night and all that. I asked her what she was doing living in a place like that and she said her and her AR 15 run these streets. This was like a way older lady! Very sketchy street. Right after that house we heard a bunch of screaming and yelling so we went over there and there was like 15 guys in the middle of the street and when we went over there they all took of to their cars and peeled out and then 2 cops came right after them. It was crazy! But Elder Spencer has helped me grow a lot as a missionary and a person. I have been really lucky with all of my companions so far. I feel like I have changed a lot since I have been out. Its crazy how different life is out here! I love it! I am so lucky to be able to spend all my time helping other people. I realized that that is why missionaries are so happy all the time. They don't worry at all about themselves. True happines as a missionary come when you abase yourself. In Alma chapter 4 it talks about how some people in the church became prideful and tried to lift themselves up. While others were "abasing themselves" and serving other. When I read that I went to the dictionary for the word abasing and it means to bring down low. So these people were actually bringing themselves down low and lifting others up. I have found on my mission so far that that is when I am happiest. When I am humbling myself ad helping to lift other. That is when I experience true joy. Anyways....I am so grateful for all of your support. I love you all!! Cammie I am going to write your letter today! Yesterday was crazy!